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Chinese Courses
Chemistry CoursesCriminal Justice CoursesClassics CoursesCommunications CoursesComputer Science CoursesDance CoursesData Analytics CoursesEarly Childhood Education CoursesInternational Economic Development CoursesEconomic CoursesEducation CoursesElectronic Engineering Technology CoursesElementary Education CoursesEnglish CoursesEntrepreneurship CoursesEnglish as a Second Language CoursesFinance CoursesFrench CoursesGame Design and Development CoursesSurveying and Geomatics Sciences CoursesGeography CoursesGerman CoursesGreek CoursesGeographic Information SciencesHistory CoursesHealth CoursesUniversity Honors Program CoursesHuman Resource Management CoursesHospitality, Sport, Tourism Management CoursesHuman Services CoursesIntegrated Arts CoursesInterdisciplinary Education CoursesInformation Systems CoursesInterpreter Training ProgramItalian CoursesJapanese CoursesJournalism CoursesKorean CoursesLanguage and Culture on Location CoursesLatin CoursesLaw CoursesLeadership CoursesLegal Studies CoursesMarine Biology CoursesManagement CoursesMarketing CoursesMedical CoursesMilitary Science and Leadership CoursesMathematics CoursesMusic Industry CoursesMusic CoursesNursing CoursesPhilosophy CoursesPhysics CoursesPolitical Science Courses Public Relations Journalism CoursesPsychology CoursesQuantitative Methods CoursesReading/Literacy CoursesRehabilitation CoursesReligion CoursesRisk Management and Insurance CoursesRussian CoursesScience CoursesSecondary Education CoursesSociology CoursesSpecial Education CoursesSpanish CoursesSocial Science CoursesStatistics CoursesSocial Work CoursesTheatre Courses°Ä²Êͼ¿â Courses

Chinese Courses (CHI)

CHI 1101 - Introductory Chinese I (3)

Introduction to the Chinese language.

CHI 1102 - Introductory Chinese II (3)

Introduction to the Chinese language. Prerequisite: CHI 1101 or permission of instructor.

CHI 2201 - Intermediate Chinese I (3)

Progressive development of basic language skills in Chinese. Prerequisite: CHI 1102 or permission of instructor.

CHI 2202 - Intermediate Chinese II (3)

Progressive development of basic language skills in Chinese. Prerequisite: CHI 2201 or permission of instructor.

CHI 3310 - Chinese Culture and Civilization (3)

Introduction to historical and current Chinese culture and civilization. NOTE: Previous Chinese language study not required.

CHI 4493/94 - Guided Independent Study (1-3)

Additional information is indexed under Independent Study and Research.

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