Departmental & Professional Groups | °Ä²Êͼ¿â


Departmental & Professional Groups

About Departmental Organizations

Are you looking for a way to learn more about your major and meet students who share the same career interests as you? Departmental and professional organizations can do just that. There are always many opportunities for you to get involved with your fellow students and faculty so be sure to keep an eye out for organization flyers that post information about meeting times and special events. 

"How did becoming a member of a departmental organization benefit your career?"

Janae Jordan

Being a member and president of TROY’s National Association of Black Journalists has helped develop a deeper understanding and appreciate for my degree. NABJ has allowed me to connect with journalists from many different states and personally talk to them about how to enhance my resume and build a professional website. I have invited Troy University alumni who were previously members of the Troy NABJ and are now members of the national organization to speak to our members about their professional experiences.

Being a part of NABJ has given me the opportunity to apply for internships and scholarships that you can only apply for if you are a member. Being a leader in NABJ has cultivated my leadership skills and enabled me to serve my community and University. NABJ is a very beneficial organization to be a part of especially if you are looking to get a journalism job right out of college. NABJ has been a tremendous blessing to me while in college because it has motivated and showed me that if other previous members can get a job and be successful so can I. Journalism is all about networking and meeting new people and being a part of NABJ has helped me to increase my networking skills. 

-Janae Jordan, Broadcast Journalism Major


Alli Drummonds


As a Social Work major, service is a theme that ties together much of what I've learned throughout my years at Troy and something that will be at the core of my future career. Through being a member of Sigma Alpha Sigma, I am presented with opportunities to serve others now in the Troy community and give back to the community that has given me so much.

-Alli Drummonds, Social Work Major

 Interested in joining an organization?

Use the active links on the right to get in contact with any of these groups. Don't see any contact information for the group you're interested in? Click here for information about the Student Involvement and Leadership office and contact us for help. 

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